EUTC: European Union’s Traditional Cannabis medicines
The EUTC research project was launched in 2022 in the context of the CannabisHub (Agrotech-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) and has been financed by Vitae Health Innovation, S.L..
Project lead researcher: Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli
Scientific director: Josep Allué Creus
Coordinator: Queralt Prat-i-Pubill
The EUTC research consortium:
Research outcomes:
Other research outcomes:
- (Upcoming) Monographiae Cannabis ex Pharmacopoeiis Officialibus: Documenting Traditional Uses of Hemp in European Medicine between 1739 and 1939 (A Comparative Study of Civil Pharmacopoeias to Assess the Period of Use of Cannabis L. Herbal Substances and Medicinal Products) [provisional title]
- (Embargoed) EUTC evidence report: therapeutic uses of hemp (Cannabis L.) for minor indications in northeastern Spain, 1839–1939. (Dec. 2023; not yet publicly released). Excerpts and the list of references from this report are available on this page.